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Archivo:Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt by Armand.jpg

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Archivo original (452 × 614 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 36 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Este archivo es de Wikimedia Commons y puede usarse en otros proyectos. La descripción en su página de descripción del archivo se muestra debajo.


English: Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt by Armand
Fecha años 1940
date QS:P,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/8
Fuente Arab Image Foundation, Armand Collection.
Armand  (1901–1963)  wikidata:Q4792637
Nombres alternativos
Nombre de nacimiento: Armenak Arzrouni
Descripción fotógrafo otomano-egipcio
Fecha de nacimiento/muerte agosto de 1901 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata 1963 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Lugar de nacimiento/muerte Erzurum Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata El Cairo Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Período de trabajo 1930–1963
Lugar de trabajo
Control de autoridades
creator QS:P170,Q4792637
Otras versiones
Image extraction process A este archivo se le ha extraído la siguiente imagen: Princess Fawzia Fuad of Egypt by Armand (3x4 cropped).jpg.


This Egyptian work is currently in the public domain in Egypt because its copyright has expired pursuant to the provisions of Intellectual Property Law 82 of 2002. The 2002 law, which repealed Copyright Law 354 of 1954, was not retroactive, meaning that works which had fallen into the public domain in 2002 remain out-of-copyright in Egypt (details).

In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. Egyptian works that are currently in the public domain in the United States are those whose copyright had expired in Egypt on the U.S. date of restoration (January 1, 1996) pursuant to the provisions of the old 1954 law which was in effect at the time.

Type of work Copyright has expired in Egypt if... Copyright has expired in the U.S. if...
 A  Non-creative photographic or audiovisual works published prior to 1987 published prior to 1981
 B  Other works with an identifiable author the author died prior to 1975 the author died prior to 1946 or published prior to 1930
 C  Other works that are either anonymous or pseudonymous published prior to 1975 published prior to 1946
 D  Other works (e.g. collective works) whose copyright is held by a legal person published prior to 1975 published prior to 1946

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Certain types of Egyptian works (official documents, stamps, works of national folklore) should use specific license tags instead of this generic tag.


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