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Archivo original (1050 × 1398 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 210 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: Government of the Republic of Croatia
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: Andrej Plenković & Robert Golob 2024.jpg
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Prime Minister Andrej Plenković in 2024

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actual22:50 4 sep 2024Miniatura de la versión del 22:50 4 sep 20241050 × 1398 (210 kB)wikimediacommons>OoliganFile:Bilateralno srečanje predsednika vlade Roberta Goloba s hrvaškim predsednikom vlade Andrejem Plenkovićem. 01.jpg cropped 80 % horizontally, 60 % vertically, 92 % areawise using CropTool with lossless mode.

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